在 MUEL,我们相信大自然的恩赐能带来好运和和谐。每购买一件衣服,我们都会赠送一包香囊,里面注入了九种古老的东方香味之一,旨在带来宁静和好运,体现了我们对自然能量的承诺。
沉香香囊散发出温暖的木质香气,具有镇静和集中注意力的功效。作为礼物,它象征着 MUEL 希望您在工作和日常生活中保持内心的平静和平衡。
麝香浓郁的香味代表着原始的力量和自信。我们的麝香香囊与 MUEL 服装一起赠送,旨在增强您的能量,并为您的日常生活带来自信的氛围。
广藿香的独特香味以其缓解压力和平衡品质而闻名。作为 MUEL 购买的一部分,广藿香香囊是好运的自然象征,为您的一天带来宁静和平衡。
在 MUEL,我们热爱细节艺术,这一点可以从我们精心挑选的纽扣系列中看出。每颗纽扣都是工艺的象征,经过精心挑选,为您的服装增添一丝独特魅力。这些小而有意义的元素代表了 MUEL 对品质、风格和日常简约之美的执着。
MUEL’s Journey of Luck and Empowerment
In just five years, MUEL has grown from a startup to a leading fashion brand, generating over 400 million in sales and gaining nearly 6 million followers. Our mission is clear: to create clothing that enhances appearance while embodying nature’s essence of luck.
Inspired by a luxury jewelry brand that blends metaphysical concepts with natural elements, MUEL infuses good fortune into wearable designs. We carefully select materials—fabrics, colors, and details—that bring positive energy, merging nature’s beauty with modern fashion.
Each MUEL piece is crafted to offer comfort, balance, and empowerment. Beyond style, our garments aim to be symbols of strength and luck, supporting women through life’s daily challenges and instilling confidence along the way.
About MUEL
At MUEL, we believe in the power of "lucky energy" in our design process. Each piece of clothing draws inspiration from nature, blending natural elements into stylish designs. With warm fabrics, unique cuts, and exquisite details, we aim to bring a gentle energy to women’s everyday lives.
Let each MUEL garment be a symbol of luck, empowering you with confidence and beauty in both your professional and personal life.
了解有关 Muel 的更多信息
MUEL 将大自然的幸运元素与现代时装设计相融合,旨在通过时尚而有意义的服装为女性注入积极的能量。
The cute and adorable bunny elf has a beautiful meaning in oriental culture. There are cute jade rabbits in the stories related to the Mid-Autumn Festival, and there is also a place for rabbits in the twelve zodiac signs. The image of the lively and cute little rabbit has been deeply rooted in people's hearts. The world is beautiful and the future is far away. The MUEL brand invites you to keep a little imagination, and you may be surprised to get two!
The fabric containing bamboo recycled fiber is the main body, interpreting the symbol of luck. When your pursuit is inner growth and mental transformation, the MUEL brand invites you to experience it together and lend a helping hand to protect your energy balance in intimacy, enjoy interaction with nature, and appreciate beauty.
White represents purity and beauty. It has the function of reflecting negative energy and can keep our energy field clean. Designers use pocket burnt lace to increase the artistic level of ready-made garments. It is a truly high-quality fabric with connotation and background. The MUEL brand invites you to protect this energy field together.